
  • October 28, 2011
    Demo movie showing SMAA features and CryEngine 3 integration uploaded.
  • October 27, 2011
    Version 2.5 released, featuring SMAA T2x and CryEngine temporal reprojection.
  • September 6, 2011
    Version 2.4 released, featuring predicated thresholding (Killzone 3 edge detection method).
  • September 3, 2011
    Version 2.3 released, featuring corner pattern processing.
  • September 1, 2011
    Version 2.2 released, featuring diagonal pattern processing, quality presets and further optimizations.
  • August 29, 2011
    Version 2.1 released, featuring better performance and easier integration.
  • August 25, 2011
    Version 2.0 released, featuring local constrast adaptation and accurate searches.
  • August 25, 2011
    Web launched!


We present a new image-based, post-processing antialiasing technique, which offers practical solutions to the common, open problems of existing filter-based real-time antialiasing algorithms. Some of the new features include local contrast analysis for more reliable edge detection, and a simple and effective way to handle sharp geometric features and diagonal lines. This, along with our accelerated and accurate pattern classification allows for a better reconstruction of silhouettes. Our method shows for the first time how to combine morphological antialiasing (MLAA) with additional multi/supersampling strategies (MSAA, SSAA) for accurate subpixel features, and how to couple it with temporal reprojection; always preserving the sharpness of the image. All these solutions combine synergies making for a very robust technique, yielding results of better overall quality than previous approaches while more closely converging to MSAA/SSAA references but maintaining extremely fast execution times. Additionally, we propose different presets to better fit the available resources or particular needs of each scenario.




    author = {Jorge Jimenez and Jose I. Echevarria and Tiago Sousa and Diego Gutierrez},
    title = {SMAA: Enhanced Morphological Antialiasing},
    journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2012)},
    year = {2012},
    volume = {31},
    number = {2},
    author = {Jorge Jimenez and Belen Masia and Jose I. Echevarria and Fernando Navarro and Diego Gutierrez},
    editor = {Wolfgang Engel},
    title = {{GPU} Pro 2},
    chapter = {Practical Morphological Anti-Aliasing},
    publisher = {{AK} Peters Ltd.},
    year = {2011},
    author = {Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez and Jason Yang and Alexander Reshetov and
              Pete Demoreuille and Tobias Berghoff and Cedric Perthuis and Henry Yu and
              Morgan McGuire and Timothy Lottes and Hugh Malan and Emil Persson and
              Dmitry Andreev and Tiago Sousa},
    title = {Filtering Approaches for Real-Time Anti-Aliasing},
    booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Courses},
    year = {2011},

